Using The Best Tools & Practices From Business to Improve the Political Digital Ecosystem

Republicans have long won elections through discipline and organization. High credit card processing fees are sucking tens of millions of dollars out of campaigns and organizations and into the pockets of consultants. Email & text message spamming practices are alienating even our most engaged grassroots donors. Industry monopolies are stifling innovation by forcing campaigns to use ineffective & expensive products. Software and services fees are increasing while quality remains stagnant, or worse. RedPledge takes best practices from the private sector – cutting edge tech and dynamic, data-driven messaging – and applies them to the political ecosystem.
One-Size-Fits-All Has Failed
Republican digital campaigns have too often fallen back on a cookie-cutter, batch and blast approach that alienates donors and leaves money on the table.
Software and services fees are increasing while quality remains stagnant, or worse. RedPledge takes best practices from the private sector – cutting edge tech and dynamic, data-driven messaging – and applies them to the political ecosystem.

Email, SMS, Social, Data & More
The RedPledge team brings decades of world-class digital marketing experience to the table, leveraging expertise that has driven hundreds of millions of dollars in volumes across industries.
We also offer best-in-class lead acquisition and data management services. Performance-based pricing ensures that incentives are aligned.